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Cette nouvelle m'attriste au plus au point !
Mais l'espoir que vous me donnez là me porte un peu de réconfort... J'espère que la demoiselle ne sera pas offencée si chaque jour, je lui fait la cour.

What about making crumpets by beating the crap out of some villains ? Yeah I know, awesome !

Already was with Sam in LoTR... Such a crazy pairing yeah ! But they make frying pan so much useful than usual, bwahaha

O_o, k, I'll pray for your paintbrushes xD They're by Brian Kessinger, author of the drawings on my page ♥

Well, sure, of course, I'm not forcing you don't worry, I know how it's hard to do something under any kind of "pressure". Plus, we both want it "perfect", so ! Oooh by the way ! Take a look at these drawings, it's really amazing, it has been done with green tea and earl grey, yeaah drawing with tea ! and

I've only sencha, earl grey and a white tea apricot flavoured... I've some yunnan but it's in bags, I've lost the habits to use tea bags now I have a super duck to brew my tea leaves !

Oh my, sencha is such a great tea ! I only taste it with lemon, but lychee sounds really good !

Woah, sounds pretty good ! Ya, lemon and grapefruit, perfect match ! ♥

Really ? I didn't know there were grapefruit liquor, isn't it too bitter ?