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va voir ma description j'ai mis un dessin de moi. dit moi ce que t'en pense

Oh I really understand what you mean! I felt so addicted to bimbo game! Forums, games, contests...Now, when I can't participate in forum's life I find so much free time left! It was very sad to say good-bye to my missbimbo :( But the mods and admins spoiled the game so much that the majority of people just left! And it is very sad because it used to be a great community. I found many nice people there. I stay in touch with some of them and one has become my great friend even!

génial!! :D alors je croise les doigts en attendant que tu le retrouves

Haaan ! J'adore c'que t'as fait avec le bustier de Katy ferry !!!!!!!!

dit moi si t'arrive a le retrouver je serai ravi d'y jeter un coup d'oeil

It was a great game. And it was jsut the same as mabimbo but in English. But then they separated and changed the design. After a while they just cut off some countries and didn't let them access the site anymore. So now I can't play it.
Most of all I liked explaining stuff to newcomers on forums, but I participated in different topics discussion too. Contests as well. I even had a trophy there :) I miss that a bit.
I wish I could understand and write French. But it is unreal to learn it here because I do not know even the basics. But thanks god we have google! :))

Thank you! So kind of you. My french is google's French:) I don't understand a single word if it is not 'merci' or 'bon jour' :)) I used to play missbimbo and I do miss forums a bit. But it is really hard to copy-paste everything in translator.

Merci beaucoup! très belle ta catbimbo ! et tu ne manques pas d'imagination au vu de ton profil bravo :) !

Moi ça m'arrive de vachement la personnaliser ! xD Merci :3 Aaah j'aime beaucoup le rajout des noeuds sur ta tenue !!!!

Mdr je comprend c'est crevant ! C'est vrai que souvent c'est frustrant, on achète un truc en s'imaginant plein de tenues, et au final ça va avec rien ! xD

Il est vraiment beau ! Rah ouais, Nine, pourquoi faire des vêtement si on peut pas les assortir ! u_u

Moi aussi ça fait longtemps que j'essaye de faire un truc avec ce haut, bah j'y arrive pas ! Mdr