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hi how r u?
I saw u got some of the latest pics hope it didnt cost u a fortune this time ^^
have a nice week end ^^

I see
if u even had a trophee then it s really sad that u couldnt play at all anymore
I dont really spend anytime on the forum here I posted like 3 drawings on the vocaloid topics and talked a lil bit but that s t
but I understand how u might miss it if u were that committed
once I was banned from mabimbo because of ..well I still dont know why maybe just a mistake and I was sooo shocked ha ha
it s just a game but I got soooo attached to my lil tamagoyaki
I feel ridiculous about it sometimes^^

I just saw what the missbimbo game was like
the design is a lil bit different but it looks cool too
well I guess it might be hard then if u almost dont speak french at all
I wont even say "maybe u can try to learn just on the game" but ....I dont know if that s really possible ^^
what kind of topics do u like on forums?

non way you shouldnt ^^ if there s any topic you like I m sure you can find a way to post , plus your french seems really god enough for that ^^
and there are tons of really easy topics like those where you just post pics of your bimbo and new outfits and such

sure using google translator to speak might be quite tough ^^
I use it myself sometimes to translate lyrics from japanese songs... what a pain!!!
translation of one word is ok but it cannot get any whole sentences right ^^

thanks again ^^
nice pink black winged outfit ^^
I love that hairdress
long hairdresses are the best ^^

thx ^^
j'ai mis du temps à la faire alors ça fait plaisir d'être complimenté ^^