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troooooooooooooooooooop belle ta bimbo
I ♥ TON STYLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Merci pour ton com's :) ta bimbo est vraiment cool ! :)
J'adore !♥

Franchement t'es super sympa et ses vrai que les cours sont envahissants franchement... Mais on surmonte. ♥ Sérieux tu vas me manquer t'es magnifique toi aussi Saphiraaa' aliias Laetitia [Je me parle encore a moi même x)] [♥]

Sérieusement tu es trop gentille ♥ Toi aussi un jour tu seras sur le podium et tu mérite plus qu'être sur ma description je suis très contente de te connaître sérieux ♥ Gros bisous prends soin de toi ;) ♥

C'est hyper gentil de ta part mdr :D Toi aussi t'es magnifique :D

♥ Tu as 15 ans ? : p Evidemment que tu peux m'ajouter miss ! : D Moi sinon tout est dans ma description : D ♥

Je le savais déjà ^^ :D Merci c'est très gentil <3 :D ~ Vive les Laetitia! Waiiiy :D <3

For me, I speek Arabic, french, english and also a little **** of spanish ans japanese ! (I said a little **** x))

So why aren't you? Personnaly, i think it's stupid to fight for the religion! Every one has a religion, and believe in what he likes and we should respect each other! Thanks ^^

I respect all religions ^-^ I just thought that most of persons who live in Senegal are muslims, that's false? Frankly, i don't now the reel meaning of my name ^^' But my mum told me that the first part (Nouha) means intelligence!

Yeah, you're right, Nouhaila is an arab name but I think Laetitia isn't one, is it? Anyway, I also think that you are muslim? Am i wrong? ^^
You should now that i love chocolat (Exept the white one), Scpecially Ferrero Rocher (If you now it) and also Lindt, Nestlé .. nd others (Miam!)

I now where is Senegal and i'm not too far from you ^^ I'm from Morocco (There is just Mauritania between us) !

They are may be deep cause i write what i feel .. any way, thanks a lot ^^ nobody said that before !