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18 bimbo com's - 29 amis
samar970 Thank you for the well wishes, and many back to you as well. Thank you for all the hard work your co
- 1/01/2012 01:13
- 1/01/2012 01:13
samar970 ^_^ bzs ^_^
- 1/01/2012 01:07
- 1/01/2012 01:07
samar970 with looooooooooove & kiss of love for my freinds & for ma bimbo samar970
- 1/01/2012 01:06
- 1/01/2012 01:06
samar970 happy new year my best wishes
- 1/01/2012 01:05
- 1/01/2012 01:05
samar970 happy new year touts
- 15/12/2011 13:07
- 15/12/2011 13:07
samar970 slt les filles sv !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love
- 8/12/2011 17:02
- 8/12/2011 17:02
samar970 slt les filles sv
- 22/11/2011 13:03
- 22/11/2011 13:03
samar970 bonne aniverssaire halouma la3koba l 100 sna je te souhaite une longue vie pleine de bonheurracha750
- 2/08/2011 13:07
- 2/08/2011 13:07
- 7/07/2011 14:36 :
ta bimboest devenue trés belle
<3 <3 <3
(laisse moi un com si tu veux)
samar970 merci haloum
- 4/04/2011 20:08
- 4/04/2011 20:08
samar970 oui bien sur
- 29/03/2011 14:08
- 29/03/2011 14:08