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26 bimbo com's - 137 amis

- 8/08/2015 10:07 :
Heyyy i really like your bimbo!! Nice to know i can talk in english here, cuz speaking french is kind of a pain but wtv, I freaking love your hair and the whole street style your bimbo have!! Keep on doing you girl

sabrine6596 merci jamila
- 24/05/2015 16:43
- 24/05/2015 16:43

sabrine6596 thanx my friend :)
- 19/07/2013 02:51
- 19/07/2013 02:51
sabrine6596 Hi
thanx you'r bimbo beautiful too :)
- 16/07/2013 15:00
- 16/07/2013 15:00

sabrine6596 okey no problem :)
- 15/07/2013 16:54
- 15/07/2013 16:54

sabrine6596 oki good
- 15/07/2013 16:51
- 15/07/2013 16:51

sabrine6596 are you good in english ??
- 15/07/2013 16:48
- 15/07/2013 16:48

sabrine6596 im not good in frensh sorry
- 15/07/2013 16:45
- 15/07/2013 16:45

sabrine6596 ohh yes of course you can be my friend :)
- 15/07/2013 16:43
- 15/07/2013 16:43