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12 bimbo com's - 15 amis
momita1237 merci jenny20023
- 12/03/2012 12:34
- 12/03/2012 12:34
momita1237 hi Emeline22225, how are you?
- 12/03/2012 12:34
- 12/03/2012 12:34
momita1237 hi i'm fine how about u i miss u so much
- 12/03/2012 12:33
- 12/03/2012 12:33
momita1237 i'm fine hbu???
- 24/12/2011 10:36
- 24/12/2011 10:36
momita1237 i'm fine and you?????
so what's new??
- 3/12/2011 09:23
- 3/12/2011 09:23
momita1237 ohh thanks
whats your name by the way??
- 30/11/2011 19:27
- 30/11/2011 19:27
momita1237 Hi how are u
thanks for the lettre
- 7/10/2011 16:27
- 7/10/2011 16:27

momita1237 hi lele
- 3/10/2011 18:40
- 3/10/2011 18:40
momita1237 nothing new
so where are u frome?
i'm from frence but live in america
- 2/10/2011 13:40
- 2/10/2011 13:40
momita1237 hi how are u?
i hope that u're ok
is lele your real naeme?
- 30/09/2011 18:16
- 30/09/2011 18:16