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492 bimbo com's - 59 amis
souciemo1 , - 29/12/2014 21:09 :

•Hun' sava today?

souciemo1 , - 23/12/2014 15:44 :

•Ah bon chbab ghi mena mel sba?

souciemo1 , - 23/12/2014 15:36 :


souciemo1 , - 23/12/2014 15:35 :

•hhhhh 7ssebt kima hadok kima di*


souciemo1 , - 23/12/2014 15:23 :

•Rabak jibih nhar dakhla jay menhadouk weird li jayine dayrinhom ki des animals..?

stiv47 , - 25/11/2014 17:20 :

Coucouuuuuuuuuuu C'st toi Inés ? Moi aussi yousra m' parller de toi :) Ouiii je vais Bien & toi 

souciemo1 , - 13/08/2014 22:18 :

-They did a concert no I find many pictures on them on Weheartit



souciemo1 , - 5/08/2014 15:42 :

-Heeeeh dont say this sentence i hate it, I know...I know of Je sais souci je sais XD!!!

souciemo1 , - 5/08/2014 15:42 :

-Sorry bbé le msg pa piour toi

souciemo1 , - 5/08/2014 15:41 :

-Nan moitié x) je suivis pas Wikipédia, jesuivis la Fifa :pp

souciemo1 , - 5/08/2014 15:35 :

-What? I'm not lying he's hot xPP mister R has a great hair coulor :PP 

souciemo1 , - 5/08/2014 15:09 :

-Gosh his eyes kill me... Hey don't say hate him !! Shut up don't laugh I'm searching for mine encore :( I like the coulor of the hair of you man :P

souciemo1 , - 5/08/2014 14:24 :

-Yes thanks did you see the principal pic'? I LIKE THIS GUY he's hot I'wanna have someone like him :'(

souciemo1 , - 5/08/2014 13:58 :

-Bbé take a look of my description xPP

souciemo1 , - 14/07/2014 19:30 :

|-Ines is the child always with Neymar his baby or his brother?♡

World Cup 2014

souciemo1 , - 14/07/2014 18:59 :

|-Neymar or him?♡

World Cup 2014

souciemo1 , - 14/07/2014 16:00 :

|-Did you see there is no one aweful or ugly in their teem except Khdiera the Tunisy one x) and the black one of Gana Lol♡

World Cup 2014

souciemo1 , - 14/07/2014 15:35 :

|-hhhh yeah but she isn't cuute don't tell me you're loving Mario? :0♡

souciemo1 , - 8/07/2014 19:22 :



YouYa-Souci , - 2/05/2014 20:55 :

♥ Inès send me Perrie's picture that you told me abour her hair and also of Liam.