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199 bimbo com's - 37 amis

- 10/04/2020 12:49 :
Nice to meet you Imane ^^ ... I've just sent you a message didn't know what I should do to make sure you'll see my reply, it's my first time trying this ''bimbo com's'' thing, thank you for your cute answer!

- 10/04/2020 00:27 :
Hello there! I just randomly found your bimbo I saw your avatar and I was like omg she's Moroccan!! Haha same here, I live in Agadir and I just hope that you're safe and doing okay +1 waouh ^^

- 3/07/2016 00:17 :
je souhaite que mes com's te plaira et voici votre cadeau de ta place sur mon podium