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Happy Valentines Day dear! Miss u..hope u'll write to me soon, i haven't heard about u for more than half an year! :(\

Hey friend , how are u? Do u have time to speak to me..i see u don't ..hope u are fine..i found a job.. at the end of september i'll go to work..hope i'll manage there..Kisses

Hey dear, haven't spoken to u in months, sorry for that!How are u?
I am lets say fine..i have many problems with my family..and with finding a job ..i worked 2 weeks for somebody..and had no payment.. and a week at a hotel..but they used me more like a waiter.. and i am no good at that..i've seen.//so again no money for me..still looking for a job..and my firneds wedding is at the end of hope i'll have some money until then..i have to by an outfit too..:(Kisses and have a great weekend! How is ur bf btw?

Coucou ! un petit défi pour te montrer la petite tenue que j'ai créée avec la jolie surprise que tu m'as faite.. ça te plait ? Bisous

Kisses my lovley, very ute outfit and make-up! Have a lovley weekend!

Salut toi !
Je me suis posée des questions en voyant tous ses messages en anglais :D ah ah ah
Toujours aussi jolie ta bimbo !
Ça fait un bail que j'ai pas eu de tes nouvelles !

Hey Gri, i want to congratulate u for your promotion, u really deserve it, u are working hard, i have no doubt , about ur bf, time will pass easy when u work, days too, and so u'll see ur bf soon again and u'lol be very happy! How its ur pretty garden?And thanks for the congratulations for my b-day, i had a wonderfull weekend with my bf last sunday , he bought my favourite flowers roses and made , drawn more exactly the place were wefirst mett! Kisses , hope u'll have a great weekend and gook luck with the job!

Hey Gri, i am fine , my work contract is expring on 9th of June, hope i will work another 3 months .. after.. My b-day was this Monday, i am 27 years now,I had a lovley weekend with my boyfriend. And u How is ur life? Kisses

I had e great Easter with my bf my sweetheart, hope u are good too, how its work? Something new in your little paradise --> garden:)
Wish u a great weekend! kisses

Hey honey, how are u? Hope u are doing well. At my job i am doing fine as well, learning new stuff everyday and managing them as well! I am very proud of myself! My health isn't very good, latley, but nothing very serious or uncurable..I send u lot of kisses , miss u! Hope to hear from u soon! Kisses and have agreat weekend!

U are looking great too, oh tomorrow morning i am going to the doctor.. :( and i have something that will never get off :((...Kisses.Hope u are doing well honey, have a great week!

Hey dear, this week i haven't had so much work, hope this week i'll have! Kisses and have a great sunday!
Here its sunny its spring:) 23 degrees, soon will be summer!
Good job with the garden!