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- 26/06/2012 11:14
Hey I speak english for U ! How are you ? Your bimbo is so cute , I love her !! I spent a good time on the game ma bimbo ! Bye Kiss xxxx
Hey , sorry I speak french : Salut je peux de nouveau gérer mes commentaires car j'étais banni injustement , c'était vraiment chiant en langague familier ^^ ! Voila , your bimbo is so beautiful and your hair is so pretty Good game ! Ciao Kiiss xxxx
Hey , I read your com's and I understand no stress , you write french well , but you must learn ;) Ok , you know I like your bimbo !! :) Bye bye And good night I think , and good sport !! :)) It's difficult !!! Bye Bye kiss xxxx
Hello Katie , How are you ? Im fine and you ?? I read a new com's for you ! I think you are in your com****r , me too , I see your bimbo and I like her , she is so beautiful !! I love her blond hair , you look like her ! Bye bye !! I think you sleep !! lol Kiiss xxxx
Hey ! I read your com's and I'm so happy !! But me I want to meet Ron and Harry and Hermione !! But I don't like Drago because he is bad ! But he is a good actor !!! =) And you have luck because me I don't see H.P but I will see this movie in the cinema but I don't know When ?! It is to bad !!! I want to meet you a day , but you are in England it's so difficult for me because I haven't moneyfor the travel !! Good bye and good luck , Kiiss xxxx
x) I know you don't understand very well because I can't speak english very well !!! lol But you can " traduire " !!! mdr I like speak english , your bimbo is so beautiful when she wear a lot of green tee-shirt and dress !! I think you understand what I write and you can visit my profil !!! I say to you good bye ! And a good week !! Speak to me on ma-bimbo and we can speak about the game and you can ask questions to me !! Bye Bye kiss !! xxxx And say when you come-back to paris !! Ciiao !! I like you ! Bye bye ! And I wait Harry Potter seven !! Me , I will went to the cinema to see H.P 7 ! And you ? I know you like this film because you wear your bimbo in Serpentard !! But me I prefer griffondor !! LOL I leave because I write a novels and you don't like when I write a novel , you don't understand very well !! :DD Bye Bye <3
- 14/07/2011 11:47
J'adore ta nouvelle tenue , tu es trop belle comme ça !! Ca te va vraiment bien le vert !! Bonne continuation dans le jeu, j'espere que tu iras loin !!! Faut que tu te fixes un objectif !! :D Je pense que ta bimbo a de l'avenir !! Voila ciao je te laisse un long commentaire qui fait plaisir j'espère !! Faudra que tu le traduises en anglais désolé je pouvais pas le dire en anglais je n'ai pas eu le temps mais t'a juste à faire copier coller et va sur : " " voila ciiao et bon jeu , et bon retour parmis nous dans le jeu ma bimbo , ce jeu si bien et amusant bonne chance !! Bye bye !! I LOVE YOUR BIMBO in english mdr' !! Kiiss xxxx
- 12/07/2011 12:38
Hey ! I speak english for you , and i just say : your bimbo is so beautiful and good luck !! Bye , !! :)
Salut , elle est trop belle ta bimbo ! Et merci pour ton commentaire que j'ai beaucoup apprecié ! :)) Merci encore et a bientôt !!