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Je suis là, mon chou au pépites de chocolats apsergé de brindilles de pissenlit♥

De rien ;) Oui enfin *o* On avait bien hâte!!! On a bien aimé aussi la nouvelle stars, surtout les oeufs à terre et les guêtres ♥_♥ Pour la chasse aux oeufs, on espère avoir tous les oeufs chaque jour hihihi ^o^ Oui la nouvelle tenue est pas mal, surtout le "bras" homme et pour les animaux :D Joyeuses Pâques d'avance ;) Super ta bimbo ;)

euh la première c'est wannabe/spice girls (j'étais fan qd j'étais petite) et la deuxième wake me up before you go-go de wham
- 3/04/2015 18:25

now i've had the time of my life, no i never felt like this before, yes i swear, it's the truth and i owe it all to uuuuuuuuuuuuuu

u put the boom-boom into my heart, u send my soul sky high when ur lovin' starts, jitterbug into my brain, goes a bang-bang-bang til my feet do the same, but something's buggin u, something ain't right, my bf told me what u did last night, left me sleepin' in my bed, i was dreaming but i should have been u instead... WAKE ME UP BEFORE U GO-GO, DON'T LEAVE ME HANGING ON LIKE A YO-YO, WAKE ME UP BEFORE U GO-GO, I DON'T WANT TO MISS IT WHEN U HIT THAT HIGH

yo, i'll tell u what i want, what i really really want, so tell me what you want, what u really really want, i wanna, i wanna, i wanna, i wanna, i wanna really really wanna zigazag haa, if u want my future forget past, if u wanna get with me better make it fast, now don't go wasting my precious time, get ur act together, we could be just fine