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54 bimbo com's - 2 amis
light10 , - 7/07/2014 18:24 :

nini29292 , - 7/07/2014 18:09 :

ansam97 , - 7/07/2014 18:07 :

Merci, je te retourne le compliment ^-^'

Alex97aubry , - 7/07/2014 18:07 :

super mignonne j'aime beaucoup comment t'as accordé le noir et blanc, ça laisse une impression de fraicheur ;) un gros bravo et bonne continuation !

lola77450 , - 7/07/2014 17:59 :

J'adore ton style :)

jennylablgdu55 , - 21/04/2014 12:16 :

ta bimbo est trop trop trop belleeeeeee !!!!!! :)

naili59 , - 8/03/2014 21:58 :


Oh you change you cloth!

Very beautiful!

Sorry my english is not perfect ^^' !

Lou-14 , - 8/03/2014 21:52 :

Merci beaucoup ! Très jolie bimbo <3

NickiMinaj76 , - 8/03/2014 21:51 :

Meerciiii Ta bimbo est super belle ❤️❤️

BimboLolo95 , - 8/03/2014 21:49 :

Merci je te retourne le compliment :)

Jeanne0231 , - 8/03/2014 21:46 :

Thank's for your adorable comment! Your bimbo is awesome and charming too (It's a good idea to use white color with your bimbo). Have a great evening, my dear.  



Nanssi62 , - 8/03/2014 21:28 :

merci toi aussi tu es ravissante 

Cathya-Chanel , - 8/03/2014 21:26 :

Thank you very much. I love yours, keep it up. :)

flora4665 , - 8/03/2014 21:25 :

Oh merci, c'est gentil ^^

Ta bimbo est sublime en reine :D

naili59 , - 28/02/2014 14:14 :

Sorry to answer now,fine!

naili59 , - 25/02/2014 17:40 :

Hello how are you????

stella9499 , - 23/02/2014 23:37 :

Aw thank you :3 . Oh you brazilian ? That's nice :)

stella9499 , - 23/02/2014 22:46 :

Your bimbo is cute ^^ ! I really like her style. Are u english ?

naili59 , - 23/02/2014 03:04 :

I love Thanatos,Hypnos,El cid,Albafica and Manigoldo!Hades il very beautiful<3!!!

naili59 , - 23/02/2014 02:46 :

Yes me too,who is you favorit knight of gold?