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55 bimbo com's - 52 amis
Lucie-M , - 27/12/2012 18:27 :

ta bimbo est juste magnifique et son appart aussi +3

TAMIRA1993 , - 21/07/2012 07:25 :

waaaaaaaaaaaaw le logement! <3

sakura20109 , - 21/07/2012 07:25 :

Très jolie bimbo :)

ceceli55 , - 3/06/2012 13:43 :

j'adore ton style

Saveur-Des-Iles , - 23/05/2012 21:55 :


I love the apartment of your bimbo, especially the bathroom!

Your bimbo is very beautiful in this dress.

Piink-Frambz , - 20/05/2012 15:01 :

You're really pretty and very class !! :)

chatoon16 , - 20/05/2012 14:58 :

I really like your pen's name ! Maybe that because I'm scout !!!

Tchoupoune , - 20/05/2012 14:54 :

your bimbo is beautiful and your home too!
I must say that you have very good taste.
Goodbye :)

Audi97240 , - 16/05/2012 22:08 :

Why the name of your bimbo Scout ? For I am Scout

Otherwise your bimbo is Beaautiful ^^

Password to see mine

Margaery , - 2/05/2012 16:53 :

You're nice ! :) I just have a question: Don't you have some difficulties to understand what you have to do in your level?

liloula11 , - 22/03/2012 12:53 :

Hello ! You are very good looking ! Goodbye !

Kelly0710 , - 21/03/2012 13:21 :

 Schöne, du bist erhaben werde ich eine 3 gegeben und ich wünsche Ihnen Glück, wie Sie <3

zoya58 , - 14/02/2012 16:34 :

Trooop belle ta Bimbo!! <3

elllenae , - 4/02/2012 20:14 :

Tu a une superbe bimbo ! ( Your bimbo is Beautiful.) :)

Nounouk41 , - 21/05/2011 10:45 :

Sein bimbo ist sehr elegant !Ich finde Deutchs ist Total super !Bonne continuation !a+


bella-Elo , - 14/05/2011 10:09 :

I lerne deutsch, ich bin französen. Deine Bimbo ist sehr elegante ! Ich mag ihr <3

camills , - 28/04/2011 20:36 :

+3 pour une magnifique bimbo.

lola21044 , - 29/03/2011 18:18 :

beautiful bimbo :)

yohania , - 22/03/2011 14:17 :

hello!!!very very beautifull bimbo and your loft is very nice,too.Big kisses.Yohania

klo-kloschette , - 9/03/2011 14:04 :

Ja, ich lerne deutsch! Und danke für dein com's!