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672 bimbo com's - 39 amis
roufayda mercii a tous
- 8/06/2010 18:50
- 8/06/2010 18:50

roufayda merci / thaks / graciac / choukran / arigato / mes amies
- 7/06/2010 19:20
- 7/06/2010 19:20

- 3/06/2010 19:41 :
hey ma cherie ! merci bcp pour ton com , la tienne est belle aussii ^^ j'espere que t'as passé un bon bem , nchallah tu l'aura avec une tres bonne moyenne <3 @++++++..........<3
roufayda that was the last day in bem finaly i'm free and was the crazier say ever
good bye my BFF !
- 3/06/2010 19:12
- 3/06/2010 19:12
roufayda hey what's up ? i'm ok and u friends ..... tomorrow hte match of Algeria
one two threee .... cool
- 3/06/2010 19:11
- 3/06/2010 19:11

roufayda steel one day and i'll be free
- 2/06/2010 21:15
- 2/06/2010 21:15
roufayda bem today wish me luck friends * love u *
- 1/06/2010 06:40
- 1/06/2010 06:40