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36 bimbo com's - 64 amis

- 4/07/2010 13:50 :
merci pour ton coms
ta bimbo est aussi tres belle
j'adore ce que tu porte tout en vert

- 16/06/2010 18:19 :
waz uppppppppppppppppppppppppppp youuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr not an apple

prettygirl6529 hey ox face and sid the kind!!!its me NIA!!!
- 25/04/2010 19:59
- 25/04/2010 19:59

- 15/04/2010 18:59 :
hey waz up girlfreind lolololololol olool ololol lolololololo
prettygirl6529 thanks guys!!!!!
- 10/04/2010 17:32
- 10/04/2010 17:32