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Hey Paula, i love ur new look super glamorous! kisses and a great Saturday honey, ! Here its sunny and hot 14 degrees;)

Merry Christmas to you my dearest friend and thank's a lot for the message :) I hope you are in very good health and all is well for you :)
Give me some news :) Lot's of kisses ♥♥♥

Thanks to you :*
You're looking lovely yourself! Where are you getting all these pretty clothes? :P

Hey honey u look fabulous, i love the dress, if i pas this level on pays du noel i can have it, but i have to buy 245 clothes and kenland some objects alomst 200 and i don't have the money, so next year maybe :(... i just adore that dres.. Wish u a grat day Paula!

Well Christmas or not I can't wait to see what you come up with :D
I have so much school work to do with time running out and tons of baking. I'm procrastinating it all lol.

:P Are you going to make a Christmas room too? I'd love to see what you would come up with!

Thank you :D I was so tired of the old rooms and wanted to make it Christmasy lol.
Your Bimbo looks lovely in the red and gold❤

Lol I like how you have your Bimbos boyfriend "out there in the cold" :P