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187 bimbo com's - 1 amis
oniram thank you darling !!!!
- 25/12/2018 15:04
- 25/12/2018 15:04

- 25/12/2018 15:02 :
i hope you find the best partner and live with him all your life i kno you love life is near to you but i don't know what can i help you
oniram every one need in his life a partner who tell him wich is wrong or right
- 24/12/2018 11:24
- 24/12/2018 11:24

oniram thank you
- 22/12/2018 11:08
- 22/12/2018 11:08

oniram thanx !!!!!!!
- 20/12/2018 12:21
- 20/12/2018 12:21