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Hello, I say just what many people think about your doll. I have ever like how your doll is dressed
- 29/04/2018 21:18

Hello, thank you for your beautiful com', I can say the same thing for your doll. You are every time beautiful
- 28/04/2018 17:18

I don't know at all how we can improve things between us. I can only begin by telling you sincerely that I am sorry. Know that I didn't want to make you suffer, it wasn't my goal. I care for you !! Understand him despite what I told you and did you undergo! I am completely and more deeply sorry !!
- 28/04/2018 17:02
- 12/04/2018 07:29

- 5/01/2018 12:07

- 23/10/2017 23:55

- 17/10/2017 17:19

Coucou my friend ,j'espère que tu vas bien ,prends soin de vous
Bonne journée ,bises
- 16/10/2017 22:09

- 15/10/2017 19:42

- 8/10/2017 17:38