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1 159 bimbo com's - 44 amis
nassra1417 You're welcome!
- 3/07/2017 00:56
Redemption7 , - 3/07/2017 00:50 :

Je l'espère, en tout cas merci ! 

Quoi de neuf ?: )

nassra1417 Yes, and I think if you do that, it should be fine!
- 3/07/2017 00:42
Redemption7 , - 3/07/2017 00:27 :

Tu as raison, il faut vraiment que j'essaie de faire ça, ça m'aidera peut-être un peu. Et il faut que je parle doucement, pour une fois haha, on me le reproche toujours.

nassra1417 Oh, it's complicated?
- 3/07/2017 00:20
Redemption7 , - 3/07/2017 00:09 :

Je connaissais très bien mes textes et mon oral blanc s'est mal passé :s J'ai beaucoup de mal à m'exprimer à l'oral et je perds souvent mes moyens. Enfin, je vais me faire violence, mais le stress est quand même là ! 

nassra1417 I'm fine thank you!
- 3/07/2017 00:02
Redemption7 , - 3/07/2017 00:00 :

Coucou ma belle, super et toi ? Je commence tout de même un peu à stresser, je passe mon oral mardi !

nassra1417 I am 16 and u?
- 2/07/2017 11:24
nassra1417 Thank you so much for your comment, it really makes me happy! And I find your doll is very pretty!
- 2/07/2017 11:23
jade2460 , - 2/07/2017 09:52 :

How old are you??

spiicy-nana , - 2/07/2017 04:47 :

lovely doll and outfit, here's a "wouah" from me

I wish you a successful continuation in the game!

nassra1417 Alright!
- 1/07/2017 18:57
jade2460 , - 1/07/2017 18:54 :

IIt's the same thing for me... I haven't a favourite song...

nassra1417 I have plenty of them! And you?
- 1/07/2017 18:50
jade2460 , - 1/07/2017 18:37 :

A okay, what is your favourite song?

nassra1417 this time I didn't reach the note I wanted because my voice slipped but it will come back!
- 1/07/2017 18:22
nassra1417 Don't worry, it's only temporary! Well, as I sing almost all the time,
- 1/07/2017 18:22
jade2460 , - 1/07/2017 18:11 :

OOh, you are not lucky, I am sad for you... But what have you doing to have more voices ?

nassra1417 Yes, yesterday I lost my voice!
- 1/07/2017 17:37