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2 594 bimbo com's - 54 amis
Minibou96 , - 29/10/2010 18:50 :

Oukii Merci d'me prévenir ;D

True-Blood , - 29/10/2010 17:20 :

Ta bimbo est sublimissime, et j'adore aussi ta présentation. C'est vraiment beau ;) ♥

, - 29/10/2010 17:17 :

superb ta bimbo

Inewa , - 29/10/2010 16:20 :

Thanks ^^ en mode Halloween with you :3


J'vais tester my joulie new bannière on the forum !

Inewa , - 29/10/2010 15:47 :

RHAAA ! Mercimercimerci !! Elle est carrément TROP BELLE <3

Inewa , - 29/10/2010 13:46 :

D'ac ! C'est gentil ^^

Inewa , - 29/10/2010 13:41 :

Heuuu ... Paris, tiens ! (C'est joli, Paris !) Enfin, si tu as de quoi faire ^^ sinon, je change !

Xillyz , - 29/10/2010 13:35 :

Très belle présentation et une jolie bimbo pas banal :-D

Inewa , - 29/10/2010 13:23 :

C'est vrai ? Tu m'en ferais une ? Owééé ! Siteplait siteplaiiit !

MiniChoou Je fais des bannières :D
- 29/10/2010 13:20
Inewa , - 29/10/2010 13:17 :

Jolies bannières ! (Inewa revient au français car pas envie de traduire) :D

Inewa , - 29/10/2010 12:24 :

Ho maïe gode ! aï ame choké ! Nov iou vraïte inne fonétik's ? 

Inewa , - 29/10/2010 12:05 :

Indeed! That's good, that! (Will post a pretty big star MiniChoou)
I'm looking for pretty pictures halloweenesques ;)
Ho yeah! You make outfits for Halloween? It's beautiful!
The following text, soon ...

MiniChoou 1000 Post ;D
- 29/10/2010 09:33
Inewa , - 28/10/2010 21:09 :

I understand! Anyway, I have not finished ... and I am trying to invent the rest of the text, then it is hard ^^

PS: "Reading Phonetically" is a mistake to my translator, I think. Too bad! :D

Cannnellee , - 28/10/2010 21:03 :

magnifique bimbo !! bravo !!

Minibou96 , - 28/10/2010 20:37 :

Ouais t'as trop raison ^^

Inewa , - 27/10/2010 18:10 :

Inewa finished his presentation and asked the opinion of the great MiniChoou ;D

Inewa , - 27/10/2010 17:48 :

... They stopped by flying dust. Standards, like two beasts of hell, uttered a shrill whistle, and reared. A lightning bolt split the night sky. In their dress jet, the muscles swell broke out, and eyes were burning all the fires of hell. Riders began their slow feet on the ground ...

PS: You write really well! Wow *-*! (Inewa regained his form and will not be available until a short time ;D)

Lire phonétiquement
Inewa , - 27/10/2010 16:53 :

... They fly around in the darkness and under the silver moon, eternal. The leaves flying around them in their ballet melodious and quiet, magical. The horror can be beautiful without a doubt. Music exalts. The notes of the piano vibrate hearts, the high notes pierce and recall an April shower. The violins weep, and organ, great, resonates with all his infernal sound. Bewitched, approaching their prey ...

PS: Yes! It is a sign of fate! :D