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Elle va te donner 50 lignes !!!
Je ne dois pas manger tout le pain. En plus faut faire de fautes !!
- 20/04/2011 13:52
Tes sure ta pas tout mangé sinon je vais le dire à la maîtresse !!! =S Comme en primaire..... Que de souvenirs.....
- 19/04/2011 20:16
- 19/04/2011 16:33
Mdr j'avoue moi non plus j'aime pas les vacances =( Ouais c'est nul !
Oukii mais ne mange pas tout !!!!!
- 19/04/2011 16:10
- 19/04/2011 15:30
- 19/04/2011 15:17
Oh, yes, we have second language to learn too. We can choose Russian, German, Spanish or Latin. In some schools we can choose French too. :)
Oh, dates are the most annoying things to remember. For now on History we have to learn about First World War. There's a lot of things to remember, so I always write a pulls, or something. :P
- 19/04/2011 11:58
Si les bisous étaient de l'eau je te donnerai la mer.Si les câlins étaient des feuilles je te donnerai les forets.Si l'amitié était la vie je te donnerai la mienne ; tout simplement je t'aime. envois ce message à tes amis, tes amours et à moi si j'en fais partie.S'il t'en revient trois c'est que tu es apprécié, cinq que tu es adorable et aimé, et dix que tu es inoubliable ! Bref, Je t'aime <3 GROOOS BISOU !!
Ca va faire beaucoup de je t'aime je t'adore et de tes trop belle mais je ne peux pas m'empecher xD ....... !!!!
Hmm.. I speak English with you, because I can't speak French, simply. :P But in Polish schools, every person haves to learn English. It's as mandatory as mathematics or history.
Oh, yes, this notebook is really old. It's yellowish a little bit. :)
Um, good question. Why do I like France... I think because of these all great buildings. And history of France.. For me it's something beautiful. But I didn't know that France is that much nuclearized. I'm sorry.
Brygida's mum name her like that, because she loved Brigitte Bardot. She have notebook with photos of Brigitte Bardot from 80's. Brygida, like her mum, loves this actress too. :)
Um, no, in Poland we don't speak English. We speak only Polish. Why don't you like France? My dream is travel to Japan and France. You don't know that, but in Poland there's 60 % of people, who want to go to France. I'm one of them, as you see. ;3
Wow, so lovely names. I love french language. Hmm, you have a lot of luck, because of that you were born in France.
Heh, did you know that Polish is the hardest
- 18/04/2011 19:55
- 18/04/2011 19:37