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1 219 bimbo com's - 41 amis

- 24/12/2012 19:56 :
nop magoutlouch wé wela nn 7etan gadwa n3ayetlou mais malgitech bach n3ayet lmouchkel!!

- 24/12/2012 17:59 :
wé lbare7 kima bipitili la3chiya ani ma9detech n3awedlk psq ma3andich cridi ctt

- 24/12/2012 17:12 :
how evr you want ,how evr you need tha's what iam tolking about !!

Liliachouak in the morning I go to school I saw some bodies who really let u cry & hate your life then
- 23/12/2012 18:09
- 23/12/2012 18:09
Liliachouak I saw my stupid teacher like far3aoune.sa3doni.hilali...
- 23/12/2012 18:08
- 23/12/2012 18:08
Liliachouak & when i have finiched i reterne at home I see my bad familly
- 23/12/2012 18:08
- 23/12/2012 18:08
Liliachouak everybody ''in my familly ''say u have finishe at 12 its 12.20 u must come back at 12.10
- 23/12/2012 18:07
- 23/12/2012 18:07
Liliachouak it means 10 mn in my way
- 23/12/2012 18:06
- 23/12/2012 18:06
Liliachouak so this is my fucking life
- 23/12/2012 18:05
- 23/12/2012 18:05
Liliachouak shit fuck my life with mfriend who doesn't love me but I can't complete my fucking life without them
- 23/12/2012 17:48
- 23/12/2012 17:48