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293 bimbo com's - 29 amis
hannahsuperclasse33 Ah ton idole ??
- 6/05/2013 18:50
- 6/05/2013 18:50
- 6/05/2013 18:50 :
Et un pitit noeuds en serre tête logiquement !!! Comme Franchesca !!!!!!!!!!!
hannahsuperclasse33 c'est ce que t'a acheter ?
- 6/05/2013 18:32
- 6/05/2013 18:32
- 5/05/2013 18:08 :
I died laughing with you my best of the best BFF in the world! I love you! I adore you! I'm in love yo
- 5/05/2013 18:03 :
You're so beautiful, I love your description and your profile, you just swag in the skin !
- 5/05/2013 17:59 :
I love you because you're beautiful and wonderful. Without you, my life would have no meaning. You are my music, without you, my life does not exist ...