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325 bimbo com's - 8 amis
floraa139 It hurts.
- 2/03/2015 18:22
fashen-malabar , - 23/02/2015 22:54 :

T'es trop mimi ! #02.03.15

floraa139 02/03/15 = FIN DU GAME GUYS.
- 18/02/2015 21:24
floraa139 It's incredible how BEAUTIFUL my bimbo is .
- 18/02/2015 21:22
floraa139 2015
- 1/01/2015 19:30
floraa139 Wait ! What ?
- 27/12/2014 21:48
fashen-malabar , - 23/12/2014 20:29 :

Dear F' it's : never explain AND never complain

fashen-malabar , - 23/12/2014 16:42 :

Yaa i'm supeeeer tramp girl but i love you ! You're great !

#Never explain, never complain.

floraa139 changement ! :D
- 21/12/2014 18:40
- 21/12/2014 18:40
floraa139 HOLIDAYS GUYYYS !!!
- 19/10/2014 18:14
floraa139 sometime when I come back, I realised how much gorgeous my bimbo is ! ♥
- 19/10/2014 18:14
floraa139 when the only thing you want to do is crying or screaming that means that you know what life is..
- 10/09/2014 19:17
floraa139 nothing to say ..
- 7/09/2014 11:25
floraa139 Déjà la fin :( Love them..♥ KY²
- 29/08/2014 10:59
floraa139 Shoppin' Time Xx.♥
- 28/08/2014 19:43
floraa139 Even if someone was missing(P♥:( ), yesterday was just an INCREDIBLE day with lovely people ! ♥
- 24/08/2014 15:19
fashen-malabar , - 24/08/2014 13:51 :

Excellente journée, à refaire ! Ile magnifique + famille formidable + bronzage + pique-nique délicieux + fou rire ♥♥♥

Ps: Ta bimbo est trèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèès belle :]


floraa139 BEST day EVER ! ♥ Plage-Bronzage-coup de soleil ♥ With an AMAZING family ♥
- 23/08/2014 19:18
floraa139 Changement de coiffure :)
- 22/08/2014 17:44