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688 bimbo com's - 12 amis
fashen-malabar House: It means I was wrong. But, to be precise, I was right before I was wrong.
- 11/08/2014 11:13
- 11/08/2014 11:13
fashen-malabar House: I can't apologize if I haven't done anything wrong.
- 11/08/2014 11:12
- 11/08/2014 11:12
fashen-malabar Saison 7 >>>> cool ?
- 11/08/2014 11:12
- 11/08/2014 11:12
fashen-malabar House: I have lied to Cuddy 10,000 times. How do you think she'd feel about 10,001 ?
- 11/08/2014 11:11
- 11/08/2014 11:11
fashen-malabar House: So you lie when it doesn't matter, but you won't when it does. How'd you get so screwed up ?
- 11/08/2014 11:11
- 11/08/2014 11:11
fashen-malabar House: I wish I was nicer.
- 11/08/2014 11:11
- 11/08/2014 11:11
fashen-malabar House: You're telling me to do the right thing, while climbing out a window ?
- 11/08/2014 11:10
- 11/08/2014 11:10
fashen-malabar LOVE THAT ♥
- 11/08/2014 11:09
- 11/08/2014 11:09
fashen-malabar And when that happens, you either find reasons to go on, or you don't." >>>> House
- 11/08/2014 11:09
- 11/08/2014 11:09
fashen-malabar "I know pain. You think you can handle it, and one day you can't...
- 11/08/2014 11:09
- 11/08/2014 11:09
fashen-malabar House: That's why I prefer lying. It makes things easier.
- 11/08/2014 11:07
- 11/08/2014 11:07
fashen-malabar Tell me any of that isn't true.
- 11/08/2014 11:05
- 11/08/2014 11:05
fashen-malabar "La mode n’est ni morale, ni amorale, mais elle est là pour remonter le moral."
- 11/08/2014 10:59
- 11/08/2014 10:59
fashen-malabar Je crois que j'ai vraiment la poisse...
- 11/08/2014 10:43
- 11/08/2014 10:43
fashen-malabar "Les vacances du petit Nicolas" + #H#Y#F
- 10/08/2014 19:56
- 10/08/2014 19:56
fashen-malabar Dur dur,le monde du travail...
- 9/08/2014 18:40
- 9/08/2014 18:40

fashen-malabar Docteur House : saison 4 ♥
- 4/08/2014 12:17
- 4/08/2014 12:17

- 3/08/2014 01:29 :
Ta bimbo est parfaite *_* J'adore le style grosse étoile pour toi ! Bonne continuation ma belle , Passe me dire ton avis sur ma bimbo ! ♥♥
fashen-malabar I'm tired
- 2/08/2014 20:44
- 2/08/2014 20:44