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222 bimbo com's - 3 amis

- 13/11/2014 20:23 :
Я разучилась воспринимать черно-белые костюмы. Да и тебе наверное уже надоело читать, что мне нравятся волосы и лицо твоей куклы ._.

- 11/11/2014 17:29 :
Your bimbo is really cute ! Her outfits are simply amazing, I like it a lot ! Have a great day

- 24/10/2014 20:56 :
Your "bimbo" is absolutely gorgeous... *_*
I'm pretty sure I just fell in love with her outfit ^^

- 24/10/2014 14:10 :
omg your doll is sooo pretty ! *0*
I love all your outfits and your style ! Big star for you ! <3
I hope my english isn't so bad and that you understand me ! ^^
See you ! ;)

- 24/10/2014 12:38 :
Your bimbo is really pretty ! The make up is great ! Happy Halloween = D

- 24/10/2014 12:36 :

- 23/10/2014 19:29 :
твоя кукла странная, но у нее, как и всегда, красивое лицо и волосы ;)