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25 bimbo com's - 21 amis
chelsea2135 merci !
- 15/12/2013 16:22
- 15/12/2013 16:22

chelsea2135 thx sashalili ^.^
- 9/09/2013 09:49
- 9/09/2013 09:49

chelsea2135 thank's yoo !! ^^
- 2/09/2013 20:20
- 2/09/2013 20:20

- 25/05/2011 18:47 :
hi i love your bimbo i think it looks like alice Cullen
talk later u should come c mine if u can

chelsea2135 thx my dear
- 26/11/2010 15:23
- 26/11/2010 15:23
chelsea2135 oh thank u sweety i loved ur bimbo too finally i found someone talks english exept my two cousins
- 9/11/2010 13:52
- 9/11/2010 13:52

- 6/11/2010 15:41 :
I saw that you love speak english, so I try to write my com in english ;)
Your accommodation is magnificent ;) And your Bimbo really look like Alice Cullen, congratulation ;)

- 24/09/2010 22:38 :
+3 trop belle sauf que je comprend rien c mit en englais bisous a+

- 24/09/2010 15:41 :
kikou magnifique ta bimbo passe voir la mienne si tu as du temps libre et dit moi tes opinions ;)
chelsea2135 merci ,un mot pour ta bimbo elle est super elle a le style de Rihanna
- 12/08/2010 07:09
- 12/08/2010 07:09