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Wow sublime poupée !! Coucou ma belle !! Tu vas bien ?
Avec un peu de retard...

HI! How are you doing ? I'm fine but super tired. Our vacation just started and I'm dead. Stupid to have Spring break in May, the students will already be on summer break for the last 3 weeks of class... lol. Well, drop me a line when you get a chance!

HI !!! How are you doing ? I see you've discovered steampunk city!! Do you like it? Have you also spent a fortune? I'm almost wiped out... fabulous doll you've got there!!!

Hey there!!! Long time no news! How are you doing?
I'm swamped with work, especially right now with the acceleration for the terminales ad other oral exams I get called to do. Really tired. Our weather has been really rainy. A super rainy, rainy season but add in sand from the Sahara and the sky is white! Not great air quality, so everybody is super tired.
Hope things are going well!!!
Gros bisous!!! <3

- 1/03/2015 21:57

- 24/02/2015 11:51

HI!!! Nice of you to stop by! You should stay and have some tea !! ;-)
Enjoy your day! <3
- 24/02/2015 09:50

Un tit kikou de ta copine de jeu .Joli ,joli tout ça et superbe bimbo .Chapeau ma belle !!!!!!!!!!!

It's great to hear from you! I guess you've been busy !! I'm enjoying the end of the first week of school vacation. I was pretty burned out.
Love your hairstyle and color on your bimbo, really pretty !! Are you taking advantage of trip to CHina here on ma bimbo? I've been almost wiped out.... but enjoyed every purchase!! lol
Have a nice evening!! :-)
- 20/02/2015 20:39