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Hy my beautiful friend, how are? Haven't spoken to u lately, are u busy with work? Hope u are fine and healthy, miss u , kisses!

Merci pour ta visite et ton gentil com' comme d'habitude. ;)
Oui, tout va bien, c'est un peu (beaucoup !) intense avec les études, mais j'aime ça !
Ta bimbette aussi est toujours aussi chou <3<3

joyeux anniversaire ma belle pour tes 1400 jours de jeu , je te fais 1400 gros bisous , bon dimanche !!!!

Hey dear, how are u Haven't spoke to u lately, hope u are fine, miss u, hope u'll write to me soon , kisses!

Hey dear , how are u? My work its doing well, next week it will be 1 month since a work there, also my Boyfriend B-day, we will celebrate it next weekend, now were going to go to a movie! Hope u are healthy and doing great! Kisses , best thoughts for u my friend!

Hey dear how are u? How its ur job? I have started a job for almost a month now, i am doing great, its my first job, i wanted to share my happiness with u, Hope u are healty! Kisses and have a great and relaxing Sunday!