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193 bimbo com's - 40 amis
- 9/11/2011 18:11 :
coucou j'adore ta bimboooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!et j'adooooooore son styleeeeee!!!!!!je tai mis 5 bimb pop !!!!!!! passe voir ma bimbo si tu as le temps!!!!!
big kiss
- 13/08/2011 20:17 :
this song is not new babee :)!
but yes i know it ! A AMAZING SONG ! ♥
- 10/08/2011 22:51 :
wow, as I see it as a wonderful journey, I hope you're great fun hahaha & it is possible to be more black? I laugh. Okey & I would go see the latest pictures on facebook (:
- 10/08/2011 21:58 :
Love you too sweetheart! ♥__♥
tell me everything about your travel :O
- 22/07/2011 02:27 :
Same for you my looove ♥
since you were back, I was greatly attached to you well is the life ,! talk to you in 2 weeks :( ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥