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sarah,13 ans,folasse,curieuse,gourmande,sympa(enfin je pense mdr),rigoler,aime la musik,A souvent la pêche,vampires diaries une fan,sportive MAiS aime trainer dans son lit;)♥

Cassandra me manqe trop & je suis pas la cet aprem pourra pas lui parler si elle se co' --'


t's photo sont .. miaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam! un régal, t's suberbe. on se mp? ♥

It is clearly my baby darling! I am to sadden I am going to eat kisses I love you better friend of my life
- 15/03/2012 20:38

You have more that reason my love of love! You and I a big history(story) which begins only and which will finish the day of our death(dead man)! That you wants him(it) or not!

We are the best friend of the world and it for ever! All right! Your not choice :P